
Membership in the Pacific Coast Oto-Ophthalmological Society

Practitioners who join the Society enjoy a number of unique benefits, including to the opportunity to…

  1. Learn practical and applied Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology from formal presentations.
  2. Make valuable contacts through informal discussions with colleagues and course faculty members.
  3. Earn CME credit (category 1) at an exceptionally reasonable price.
  4. Provide the opportunity for productive interaction with faculty and colleagues. The leisurely pace of the meeting allows this interaction between the academic and clinical attendees on both a professional and social level.
  5. Develop referral patterns and contacts with physicians within the region and specialty.
  6. Enjoy the unique interaction with physicians in another specialty with significant overlapping clinical interests and problem cases.
  7. Attend first class meetings in first class locations with favorable room rates and events designed to accommodate the physician’s family.
  8. Attend regional meetings reduces time and expense with emphasis on West Coast locations.
  9. Provide the venue for the presentation of papers and clinical experiences by submitting papers or by participating in discussions held during the scientific sessions.
PCOOS 1917